Rise of the Winter Wyvern

Wyvern Finance
3 min readJun 10, 2021

The artic dragon is flying to BSC. Embrace Wyvern Finance!

Wyvern Finance is a third-generation yield farm that will be introducing auto emission increment.

Here are the launch details and features to be found in Wyvern Finance:

Wyvern Finance Fair Launch on June 16

‌Wyvern Finance will be organizing a fair launch on June 16 (Checkout countdown)

Farming will begin on block 8353000 (Approximately 12 hours after launch)‌

Contract Information‌

As we will be engaging in a fair launch, here are the contracts information

‌Token: 0xFd3526bf09300aBc0b7b7A20243A9E98E65c068d

‌Masterchef: 0xBECc3a0ee93C7B8F8C0fAc67D473ee89405d712a

‌Timelock: 0x29F4938515CE23Fd6533ae413797e4d11278931D

Auto Emission Increment

In order to ensure sustainable returns to investors, we will be engaging in an auto emission increment which will increase the emission rate over time to ensure users who joined in later will still be enjoying the high yields as the early investors.‌

The initial emission rate will be 1 $WYV per block and it will increase by 10% every 12 hours until it reaches 5 $WYV per block.


We’ll be launching a referral program to reward users who actively promote $WYV. Users who successfully refer other users will receive an additional 10% of their $WYV earnings.‌

Make sure to get your unique referral URL from: https://www.wyverndefi.com/referral

Anti Whale Mechanism

Users have become fond of the Anti-Whale feature from other farms, which limits how much a user may spend per transaction to protect against whales.‌

Similarly, we’ll implement this Anti-Whale functionality, with the maximum transaction amount set at 0.5% of the entire supply at any given time.‌

The reasoning behind this is to keep price volatility to a minimum, allowing users to enter and exit at a faster rate.

Auto Liquidity Adding

In yield farms, liquidity is critical. With more liquidity in WYV pools, price impact will be reduced to a minimum.‌

To help WYV pools have more liquidity, we’ll be implementing a feature that converts a portion of each transaction’s token into WYV-BNB LP.‌

Every transaction will have 8% of its value used to enhance liquidity to the pool, resulting in better pricing and less slippage.

Auto Burns

We will be burning ALL $WYV tokens held in the developer’s wallet, and on top of that, we have implemented a 2% transfer tax burn to further reduce the number of tokens held in the developer’s wallet.‌

Therefore, 2% of every $WYV transaction will be burned on the spot by the system. This eliminates the need for developers to manually burn $WYV on a consistent basis, while still providing assurance to users that $WYV is constantly being burned.

Farms & Pools

Auroth (Farms)

To stake in Auroth, simply head over to this link here.‌


  1. WYV-BUSD LP X40
  2. WYV-BNB LP X40
  3. BNB-BUSD X6
  5. ETH-BNB LP X6
  10. DOT-BNB LP X6
  11. ADA-BNB LP X6‌

Do note that impermanent loss will be present if you are providing liquidity.

Winter (Pools)

To stake in Winter, head over to this link here.


  1. WYV X30
  2. BUSD X4
  3. WBNB X4
  4. BTCB X4
  5. ETH X4
  6. USDT X4
  7. CAKE X4
  8. DAI X4
  9. USDC X4
  10. DOTX4
  11. ADA X4


Don’t hesitate to reach out to our admins on our various social media platforms as shown below:‌

Telegram: https://t.me/wyvernfinance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WyvernFinance

Medium: https://wyvernfinance.medium.com/

Website: https://www.wyverndefi.com/

